Sunday, December 24, 2006

Chulosophy - Chapter 2 - Love

Unlike others chulosophy had tried to explain Love rationally for fellow chulu's so that they dont have to deal with the discrete permutation and combinations of love and complex relations thats a pain in the A*S.

Love to some seem so complex that they have their own version of Love theories, most commonly gyan that comes from one of the Love guru's, generally hostel friends and many more. So this chapter 2 from chulosophy explains the unexplained and unsaid in love, which is hard to believe and understand, for those who find it difficult they have to go through the basics of Chuluverse, Chapter 1, which is still unfinished in terms of consolidating the facts and axioms and proofs. But with the help of some chulu they can find out, its in nature and everywhere.

Chapter 2

Being in love is like being oneself, one who is in love can only tell 50% of the times (By chulity) whether the one is in love or not. Now being oneself is to know oneself, the self which is free from baisedness, prejudice, preconceived notions and facts. In simple terms knowing oneself is not absolute in real world its relative to others the sole definition of existence. So this cycle of Love and oneself goes in cycles they cann't be eliminated unless some removes the frame of relativity or is at absolute zero refrence.

So if you follow it, you will find out that no one can be in Love in real world. If some one says so its a lie, lie like black holes which sucks everything. One can experience Love only when one had removed all the relative refrences and is positioned at absolute zero refrence frame. So if you again follow this one you can find out the love is not for mortals.

Love is for all the abstract beings that exists or don't exists (god, ghosts, imaginary creature etc) because only those who can fly around with speed of light can exprience love. (By the Einstein's relativity they can eliminate the time frames hence the state before and after will remain unaffected, in other words removes the relative refrence frame), or love can be felt only for time unit smaller than the smallest time interval that can be measured currently (because the state before t0+ and t0- apporaches zero nothing can add in ones frame relative to other frames of refrence).

So only one's who can attain absolute zero refrence can be in Love. It's kind of hard for real mind to believe but not for chulu's in chuluverse.

How to overcome this absolute zero frame problem using chulosophy?

One doesn't have to own anyone or anything (this will help in reducing the relativeness that one is surrounded with). If one disowns everything surrounding oneself (though this is kind of hard), one can be in Love with anyone, anything u in this world, universe, alive or dead, living or non living. Since its hard to disown everything but in virtuality this can be done easily. So in Chuluverse one can experience love by reducing the relativeness by disowning things surrounding oneself but the same is not possible in Real UniVerse, MultiVerse.

So for the real world one can define Chove scale (chulu + love), the more one can disown things, the one is close to Love. The scale is between 0 and 1, the value 1 is absolute Love.

The chapter ends here if you have any questions and queries please leave comments, I will try to reply it back and will take help from other chulu's to come with a quick reply to all the queries.


Anonymous said...

Impressive Chulusophy....
But i dont think girls will like it when they read this...
In fact they will hate it...

-- Saurabh

Anonymous said...

Fabulous Blue divided

This helped me come to a conclusion that my "pay-use-disown" strategy of love means complete love.

Anonymous said...

With divine blessings of chulu baba...

The thoughts are touchy and very rational (though copernicus was crucified for such rational thoughts a few century ago)...

From now onwards, kindly consider every reference to the word "love", to be meaning "the true love"...

The most amazing thing about love is that it is a non-existing entity... its so complete that it embedded itself in itself... just like a black hole

Love is unique... it is not clonable and is immutable... So eventually what your love is, is my love (a shared object in the domain of existence)...

So how can one experience the true love if it can not exist... the answer to that lies in finding the existence of the self... once you find the existence of yourself, you'll find yourself surrounded by many selves and love as the medium between those entities. Love is like space in the domain of non-existence.

And thus chuluism gives an answer to the non-existence of love (through the well-known Black Hole Theory), the answer to the ultimate question of life, universe and everything is not "42", its "chuluism"...


Blue Divided said...

Thank you Maadu (Gargi).

I just cann't explain how greatly u have enhanced the concept of Love (on the lines of Chulu Theory) by giving some very rational examples that we all Software guys come across in day to day coding experience.

Waiting for more comments on this topic by other chuluverse founders.

Please pour it ur suggestion and comments, i know everyone does have an opinion about this topic.

Anonymous said...

I want to be in love. To start with I disown you...

Anonymous said...

To love to to disown... but this dosowning thoery does not explain the thoery 'Make Love'???

Blue Divided said...

The "Make Love" is an act of love not the abstractness that is behind Love.

I might take some time to write something about Act of Making Love.

I think who so ever wrote about act of "making love" is clear what I am trying to say here.

Amen (chulism)

Anonymous said...

After reading the post, at first i thought it to be very crappy, but the last paragraph where the blue.divided tried to say something about love without owning anything seems to be quite impressive ... only after that i found the little sense in whatever was written in the lines before that ...

well thought but too difficult to comprehend ... make it more comprehensive and please dont use things which are not know to outside readers like chuluverse ... or atleast put proper explanation around it.

-- Nevermind

Anonymous said...

thumbs up...for blue_divided..
though not to much elaborated some portion... still behind every impressive and intereting ..
