Thursday, February 23, 2006

Chuliomatics - Case Study (Happiness)

Chuliomatics of Happiness

This is in continuation with the ChuluVerse article I wrote to site an example of potential usage of Chuliomatics (its some thing like Mathematics but it operates only on the chulu set as we have discussed in ChuluVerse).

Instead of going to abstractness of what is happiness, I will start with some rationale for happiness, sort of matrix, which will contribute to the state of happiness.


1. There is nothing like unhappiness, it’s the deficiency of happiness, so it’s in negative scale.

2. Every event in a life cycle impacts us, if we consider them in the domain, which concerns us, that gives some level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction which is associated with this particular event. I will call all such events in the domain that we care as a transaction with a value on a scale defined relative to anyone. (I mean anyone is free to choose, so the matrix’s absoluteness will vary from person to person).

I will ask to Kumaresan to modify these assumptions correctly as this concept using Mathematics came from Kumaresan. But I will give more description using Chuliomatics.

With this let me state the background for the Matrix, similar kind of matrices can be defined for other events which I will describe in my later articles and the governing rationale will be Chuliomatics and Chuliean Algebra. So lets start with the matrix to evaluate happiness.

A = {ai}, i = 1..n & ai e D (D is the domain, which concerns the individual for which this ai is defined, ai is nothing but a transaction)

a1 = earning money give u happiness
a2 = failure in class make u feel sad

X = {xi}, i = 1..n & xi e R (R is real no. and the matrix stores the payload value for each of the ai e D).

x1 = 5 (-5, 5 scale) earning money give u happiness
x2 = 4 (-5, 5 scale) failure in class make u feel sad

O = {oi), i = 1..n & oi = f (xi), (f is continuous function of x)

M = A.O

Objective is to Maxmise matrix M.

Just wait to see that if we follow Chuliomatics anyone can be happy, infact everyone is happy but there is something that they lag which is dealing with abstraction and pseudo randomness of the Real World which can be observed well using Chulu experiments.

Let me give insight into what these experiments are about, its like you want to see the effect of something (event) in real world, and its hard to create or simulate the enviornment where that something (event) can occur, so what will u do, u will either close the topics or try to deduce something about something (event) based on the past experience (this experience could be based on cumulative effort of mankind or any individual), but in ChuluVerse u can get the effect and consequence any such events that happens in the ChuluVerse, so u can simulate the real world in the ChuluVerse by defining some of the pre-requisites for that particular event to happen in the Real World.

Chulu is all about playing with abstractness and randomness which can be as or more random than what is governed by the various laws of Nature in the Real World (Try reading the Second Law of Thermodynamics).

I will prove that everyone is happy if they can play with abstractness that is Chuluness within ChuluVerse, as opposed to the pain and suffering and pseudo happiness of the Real World. The best part of this will that no one have to leave Real World, but in order to be happy they have to follow the Chuliomatics instead of Mathematics that is taught in the Real which is not concrete enough to deal with the abstractness.

The above matrix is defined using the Real world Mathematics and we will check out how does maximisation of M works differently if we use Real World Mathematics which does nt have control over randomness. Infact there is separate branch of Mathematics that studies Chaotic Phenomenon using advanced techniques of Differential Equations but they are not strong enough like Chuliomatics which itself is random and abstract.

Wait for the example and other things, i will write more once i get some time.


Blue Divided said...


I think when u read it, that time it wasnt complete, but now i have added some more stuff to it.

I havent yet completed it, the moment i will get time i will put more about Chuliomatics.

But i will tell u the motivation, i went to a school and i saw a teacher drawing a picture of fish on blackboard. When she finished drawing it, she asked the kid what is it on the board? everyone in the class replied its a fish. Infact if this is asked to everyone of us in that situation we all would have answered the same.

But i was surprised when the teacher told kids that its not a fish, kids !!, its a picture of fish. Fish has life and this one is dead.

You all our teaching we have been missing this content, i went and thanked her that really she taught me something i had never been taught even at IIT Delhi in those four years.

Similarly in our Mathematics the concept of content is missing everywhere.

You break the things in two but the content is same. So cutting chalk into two is different from cutting apple into two.

I hope you will understand it now.

Anonymous said...

All i can is that...i need time to understand the term 'chuliomatics'
may b i get to know more about it when i read your forthcoming articles....The picture is still not very clear from a normal eye...

hope u understand what I am tryin 2 say.
...looking forward to read your new articles....

...(M. Rawat)...