Monday, March 20, 2006


Something unexpected happened last time when I was in Delhi, I couldn't believe it, and others who were with me too couldn’t believe it.

It was sort of strange for a graduate from IIT Delhi working as an Cryptographer with Oracle (Software/ Network Security, people some time call him unofficial Hacker, too prized word), to get Modeling offer from ZOOM (TV channel).

I shot this photograph with one of my friend Deepali outside DT (Gurgaon), with my cell phone Nokia 7610, just to check, how in the Hell that modeling offer came from ZOOM. I went to Filmi Chakkar in Gurgaon (DT) for a mug of beer with Deepali, the moment I entered the gate of the Restaurant cum bar, I met a beautiful girl who thought me to be some Anchor for ZOOM, she took me to a place where all the crew members, some models and some other people were having lunch together. I got completely blasted off, I told her, and I am not who she was thinking of, I told her that I came here just to have some beer with my friend. She got bit upset and confirmed that I am not an Anchor for ZOOM. And I said, no, an ordinary IITian with a graduate degree in Mechanical Engg.

I went with Deepali and were about to order some starters and some beer, but since the place was kind off cozy, completely messed up because of cameras and other equipments that were lying on the other side of the restaurant, u can say restaurant was divided into three category by the people and their choices. First one, the crew and models, Second one regular visitors and customers (including me and Deepali), third one of course the bartenders. She wasn't feeling good so she asked if we could go out some where far from this mess. I was about to leave, Deepali was about to exit the gate of the Restaurant and I was following her, suddenly I felt a soft hand on to my shoulder as if some one wants to talk few things before I leave. I turned back and found a sweet looking girl with the same lady I met just a while ago, who confused herself me being an Anchor for ZOOM. She was more beautiful than who so ever I have met wondering day and night in Sarojini Nagar market, South Ex market, GK M block, Kailash Colony, Panchsheel and the best of favourite Hangout Priya and PVR Saket.

She wasn't less than a nuclear bomb and to add to my complete state of shock, she asked me some thing, i haven’t dreamt of, never felt of, i.e. infect I will just put down the fire in her own words, "Hi, I am ???nsha, Will you be interested in doing Modeling for ZOOM?” This question or sort of introspection put up a question on me itself. I felt like I don’t know how to speak, I don’t have any memories of any sort, I started stammering, I asked what kind of Modeling and she told me like MTV and Channel V have VJ's, similarly ZOOM have Anchors, who sort of talk with celebrities and some times do some Modeling Shoot for advertisements for ZOOM.

I couldn't believe, what the Hell, the girl, looking like younger sister of Celina Jaitely was talking to some one who looks very similar to one in the picture, except that person in the picture is static. I don't want to disclose her name, kind of secret. As a under confident my next question was, any guess? Ok let me tell you all, in my own words with a hint of stammering, "Look at me, m mess... with this long hairs... unshaved face... spects on... slighlty overweight...Do you think m fit for this?” Here the strangest reply I have ever heard, in her own words "Beauty is in Nature and concepts are property of mind, give me 2 months, will tone you up." I wasn't attentive to whatever she was saying; I was just looking at the lips with sort Red Diamond glossy looks. And she said just give it a shot, try once, leave it if you find it boring, and she added more weight by saying, "I promise, you won't be missing fun".

On the other side Deepali, my friend, who was there at the time of shoot, was just making fun of me, that this could be one of the programmes like MTV Fully Faltoo or MTV Bakra. I did feel the same but that beautiful lady took all my details and asked me if I can come over to Noida and give it a shot. I said, am ready for it, let me figure out, how to deal with Bangalore.

Thank God, it wasn't one of those kinds TV programme, where people laugh seeing others making mistakes. I am now waiting desperately to see that beautiful girl again. I will love to live a day with her instead living a hundred years earning billions and trillions coding same boring Softwares.

Waiting for another, Revendous.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Chulosophy - Chapter 1 - Language & Communication Unleashed

Language to me is abstract, its like playing with the game that everyone has to play. But its really important, just take for e.g. which is the most important factor that played a vital role in making humans a dominant species, is the abilty to communicate through language (indirectly related to the Creative brain). Think of the world without language, is like sea without a boat.

But one thing that language doesn’t have is the ability to express as it has been observed, I mean you can explain a situation to someone but the other person has to apply some of his mind to understand it (error prone). I am talking of something of the coordinated communication (people call it extrasensory perception or bio language) i.e. for e.g. one of the perfect things that had been created are various life forms: humans, animals, trees etc. So how does the communication takes place inside the life forms, it’s all coordinated communication, cell talking to other cells or the brain talking to the other organs of the body, and it’s perfect, God is great! God knew that language could sometimes be confusing so God made co-ordinated communication; GOD doesn’t want to take any chances with communication breakdown.

Language Revisited:

In order to understand the language and its use, we must also understand the use of the mind and subtle relations existing between the human beings. We used the mind to explain and to understand. A person can express the things very well, but what I understand of his words is what my own mind formed in the world of my concepts. The concepts high, low, long, short; skinny, fat, etc. are form in our mind. When i was small, i thought that my mother was very high! And we continued saying that the Earth is great, because we didn't watch the Universe very well. We are continuously "inventing" things, images, forms, and concepts. What we understand of the world is what it forms inwards from the senses. We have concepts of God, the freedom, the happiness, the love, the peace, etc, etc. One thing is our concepts and another different one is the reality. For that reason the great philosophies have affirmed whenever the world that we see is not the reality.

From this point of view, the word, the language, limits us. This inferior function is that most of people recognizes. But, to speak is also a creative function. The most wonderful aspect of the language is the capacity to create. That is what makes us human really. With the words (written or spoken) we are creating images and emotions for the others and ourselves. An intelligent word can save a life; a loving word can wake up the most sublime emotions. This type of use is the one that generates that perceptive communication, so deep and beautiful. That allows the great mystics, poets and philosophers, to present his wisdom. Using the correct words also we approached the truth. The use of the language is the first weapon to reach the knowledge. In order to begin, doing us the questions: Who I am? What is the life? What is the death?

The dialogue continues.

That’s interesting, now this in connection to the language again, one thing that the language has helped us, is in defining ourselves relative to one another. Sometimes I wonder that why lots of things are hidden from us, its just that GOD don’t want us to know it or the GOD wants us to do some hard work in revealing the secrets or the last one is that the GOD has some other motives and just want us to keep ourselves busy.

So from the beginning of the history what all we have done, is we tried to learn the basics of nature and put it to use, constructive or destructive. We invented one theory and then later we found a replacement theory for previous one, but this itself is great at least one is hoping to find the basics of life if god wants us to do some hard work before revealing the secrets or the last one.

Back to language again so this looks like (Two Way Communications):

One’s frame of perceptions (speakers) + expression (words, common knowledge base) + other’s frame of perception (listeners) = information (right, wrong) + common knowledge base (right, wrong) + additional frame of perceptions (right, wrong).

Whatever is in blue is my own interpretation and that could be wrong, I am also having my own set of knowledge base that is based on my previous perceptions, and observations, so that is why people put more emphasis on practicals, I am leaving this point here to give some good examples what I have for some thing that is closer to exact communication.

Exact or Closer Communication:

Musical instruments (guitar, violin, drums), every note / beat has only one meaning, For guitar tune your relative to piano then u can have same ground for all if you are playing in group, what we have done here is, we have removed the frame of perceptions from all the group member’s mind. Music is one example of perfect harmony and communication a Language of Commoners and other is communication through BIO-Language, I did mention it in the first section and its too complex too explain it here in detail (That’s something for future blogging).

Last Thought:

My head is spinning and these twisted thoughts I am unable to overcome, so friends before we move on to the concept of Coordinate Communication or Musical Harmony, try to experience as much as this language that exists in various form today (Hindi, English, Spanish etc) has to offer, play with the emotional content of it, makeup, breakup, love, friendship, gossip and lot more. I to haven’t used it to full extent too but will start just after finishing this blog. Don't worry too much about the Said, the Unsaid, the Confessed and the Felt as my friend has mentioned in his blog

I don’t know whether our life will be peaceful, beautiful or even meaningful, if we evolve up to that stage of perfect communication. All the concept of expressiveness, beautiful words, story telling and lot of other things which we are accustomed of will all be useless, the most sad part, there will be no interference of emotions in our day to day conversation, which we all are so accustomed to, so receptive to all these emotions, how can I forget that all of us care when someone say that "I like you or I love you or I hate you or I will kill you".

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Chulosophy - Chapter 0 - Fate of Creative Mind

Fate of Creative Mind

Sometimes lot of people invest most of the time in solving the puzzle of what is wrong or what is right or to be more precise in classifying various things they have come across in their life span, dreams, imagination are no exception to this classification, even people tried to classify things which have abstract meanings for them. The classification lays the foundation for other people to express the their point of view, more socialised way of saying is opinions.

Scientists, Historians, Sects, and Critics enjoy most of their time laying down rules for parametrised way of classification. So why, those so prized assets of the society put most of their time in parametrising everything they come across? I don’t know either and I am not going to bring out anything out of those mystery doors of Heaven, for some infact, most of the people. May be because this keeps Creative Mind busy, may be because this blindfolds the Creative Mind in believing the story of frog in well who questions the existences of anything beyond the boundary of well. But so-called these prized assests of the society know the truthness behind the story of frog in well.

“Mind is creative, let the people and life use it they want to”. This is a strong statement, I believe in it. Why is such a fuss when people talk about religion, life and death and lots of other things different from others, noone cares even if it is crap or true? The fuss stays alive because atlast some thing is different and their Mind has got some thing different to think about. All these good, bad, right, wrong, true, false is just an abuse of the greatest gift we have got, i.e. Mind. By saying greatest gift I am not classifying anything and I don’t intend to. This is just a way of expressing something we are not aware of that we really do have such a great power.

The fate of the society lies in the hand of those who use their creative mind, everyone should be responsible of using the greatest gift. Instead of thinking right or wrong let the mind use the resources it come across and let it decide the way it wants to be. People will ask me that if that’s the case then which way this society will meet its fate. The fate of Creative Mind and fate of society are equally likely scenarios and the probabilility for such random and equally likely cases is always even (equally probable events). The quantity of people exploring the creative mind will determine the fate of society and the quality of creative mind is just a matter of choice. The as I said choice or probability of associating with any random event is even for equally likely case.

There is these common clichés wolf and man, friend of misery, heaven and hell, dreams, nightmares, good, bad, love, hate, even and odd. No comments on these but can anyone point out the origin of any of these clichés? Are all these mysterious words full of confusion have come from people who know mind is creative and they want others to use it or others who make others believe in story of frog in well ?