Monday, February 27, 2006

Chuluverse Odyssey - River and Life

I am just thinking that why do we have so many constraints in life that we sometimes have to make compromises, does it teach us something or we are just part of the flow that we don't care to ponder over all those decisions that we have ever made. Sometimes when i see river flowing across the changing landscape, i am compelled to think that whether the sole pursose of the river is just to get mingled into the sea or it is something else, something bigger or something beautiful. I think that everything in this world has some purpose or it could be though hard to believe, they are just meant to fool us.

This picture ... what Sivana Samudran (Berchukki) Falls looks like during rain.

I was reading a book, which talks about some weird things about earth and various life forms. Everyone who know Skinner (Father of Moder Psychology) the experiments that he did on the mice and pigeons to explain rationale behind various behavioural patterns. This laid to foundation of modern clinical psychology, which treats various behavioral ailments (psychotic, metaphysical hallucinations, illusions etc). But what if mice are intelligent than humans and they did everything opposite in those experiments then all our explanantion will just be another fallacy in itself.

Back to the topic of river flow, some say that they have purpose of serving water and life to other forms of life, but others say that they are just the by product of the goal it had to achieve (losing itself in the sea) so one thing that seems plausible is, that their purpose is to serve life is not complete without some extra effort that must be taken care by either the Humans or some other life forms etc (e.g. they have to get to the source, build canals etc). But the journey to sea doesnt require any effort, their supreme will and desire to get the glimpse of the sea is so strong that it can devoid anything that comes to its path, while on the other hand, it doesnt care to put the same sort of effort in serving the life (Humans and other life forms). So the logical thing thats come out of this that their desire of losing their self into the sea is much stronger than the purpose of supporting the various life forms and it means, its really important to find out why?

Friday, February 24, 2006

Chuluverse Odyssey - Nature (Himalayas)

The word chulu drives people crazy whenever they read my articles regarding the abstraction and virtuality surrounding mind. I am crazy too but let me tell you that chulu is not only powerful, inventive, beautiful but its just absolute power. The Chulu do exist in Nature, its beautiful as Himalayas, in this section i will just lay down the map of reaching the first summit just to appreciate the love for Chulu.

The origin of the word chulu can be traced back to roots of Himalayas, surprised. Chulu West and Chulu East are the two beautiful peaks in Nepal near Annapurna Circuit. Check the following link as all the pics on the internet are copyright so i just cant show it here. Try google and to your amazement see the black beauty behind whiteness of snow and blue sky peeping out of silvery clouds.

This picture of Chulu East is from another blog whose author seems to be another Himalayas Lover.

Chulu West - 6419 m. Region - (Manang District, Gandaki)

Of the two Chulus (East and West), Chulu West is the smaller peak. It was first ascended in 1952 by a Japanese Expedition. The Base Camp of this peak is situated in a small valley north of Manang, off the main trail to the Thorang La. There is a controversy regarding the name and location of the Chulu peaks. There are several peaks close by and are also a part of Chulu massif but are not indicated in the map. Thus it is difficult to differentiate between the two Chulus. However, the Chulu group comprises of four peaks: two in the east and two in the west. Chulu West may also be called Chulu Central. There is no technical difficulty in ascending this peak but progress can be slow as the slopes are vulnerable to avalanches in certain.

Chulu East - 6584 m. Region - (Manang District, Gandaki)

First climbed in 1955 by a German expedition via the north-east ridge, the peak of Chulu East, together with Chulu West, forms an integral part of the Manang Himal, which in turn is included in the Larger Damodar Himal. Chulu East lying south east of Chulu West is a comparatively smaller peak.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Chuliomatics - Case Study (Happiness)

Chuliomatics of Happiness

This is in continuation with the ChuluVerse article I wrote to site an example of potential usage of Chuliomatics (its some thing like Mathematics but it operates only on the chulu set as we have discussed in ChuluVerse).

Instead of going to abstractness of what is happiness, I will start with some rationale for happiness, sort of matrix, which will contribute to the state of happiness.


1. There is nothing like unhappiness, it’s the deficiency of happiness, so it’s in negative scale.

2. Every event in a life cycle impacts us, if we consider them in the domain, which concerns us, that gives some level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction which is associated with this particular event. I will call all such events in the domain that we care as a transaction with a value on a scale defined relative to anyone. (I mean anyone is free to choose, so the matrix’s absoluteness will vary from person to person).

I will ask to Kumaresan to modify these assumptions correctly as this concept using Mathematics came from Kumaresan. But I will give more description using Chuliomatics.

With this let me state the background for the Matrix, similar kind of matrices can be defined for other events which I will describe in my later articles and the governing rationale will be Chuliomatics and Chuliean Algebra. So lets start with the matrix to evaluate happiness.

A = {ai}, i = 1..n & ai e D (D is the domain, which concerns the individual for which this ai is defined, ai is nothing but a transaction)

a1 = earning money give u happiness
a2 = failure in class make u feel sad

X = {xi}, i = 1..n & xi e R (R is real no. and the matrix stores the payload value for each of the ai e D).

x1 = 5 (-5, 5 scale) earning money give u happiness
x2 = 4 (-5, 5 scale) failure in class make u feel sad

O = {oi), i = 1..n & oi = f (xi), (f is continuous function of x)

M = A.O

Objective is to Maxmise matrix M.

Just wait to see that if we follow Chuliomatics anyone can be happy, infact everyone is happy but there is something that they lag which is dealing with abstraction and pseudo randomness of the Real World which can be observed well using Chulu experiments.

Let me give insight into what these experiments are about, its like you want to see the effect of something (event) in real world, and its hard to create or simulate the enviornment where that something (event) can occur, so what will u do, u will either close the topics or try to deduce something about something (event) based on the past experience (this experience could be based on cumulative effort of mankind or any individual), but in ChuluVerse u can get the effect and consequence any such events that happens in the ChuluVerse, so u can simulate the real world in the ChuluVerse by defining some of the pre-requisites for that particular event to happen in the Real World.

Chulu is all about playing with abstractness and randomness which can be as or more random than what is governed by the various laws of Nature in the Real World (Try reading the Second Law of Thermodynamics).

I will prove that everyone is happy if they can play with abstractness that is Chuluness within ChuluVerse, as opposed to the pain and suffering and pseudo happiness of the Real World. The best part of this will that no one have to leave Real World, but in order to be happy they have to follow the Chuliomatics instead of Mathematics that is taught in the Real which is not concrete enough to deal with the abstractness.

The above matrix is defined using the Real world Mathematics and we will check out how does maximisation of M works differently if we use Real World Mathematics which does nt have control over randomness. Infact there is separate branch of Mathematics that studies Chaotic Phenomenon using advanced techniques of Differential Equations but they are not strong enough like Chuliomatics which itself is random and abstract.

Wait for the example and other things, i will write more once i get some time.