Sunday, January 22, 2006

ChuluVerse : The Begining

Chulu is a state of mind. (I will add more it, when i get appropriate words which are self contained, i dont want to go to the process of recreating a different language for all the Chulu's which are part of ChuluVerse or as a matter of fact any UniVerse (Universe is limitation to extent we see, think and visualize, but infact there are different versions of and flavours of Verse ). Just wait for sometime to get to the basics of Chulu.

Let me explain the words associated with the Chulu. Its not strange that we want to live in dreams and virtuality which can take care of all our needs, requirements and more. So ChuluVerse is the abstraction of the reality but more powerful and inventive than reality.

This is not a chalenge to great friend, mentor, energy, time and all that exists because of him/her (not sure of the Gender of GOD), but i believe that GOD is one of us. (by Chulity (stochastic distribution of non probable events). I will get back to the basics of Chulu little later, but let me go through the motivation for Chulu.

There are several areas of interest that are developing on the lines of Chulu. For example

Chuliean Algebra

There is widespread drive that is going on through which common man or as a matter of fact Chulu's will help to lay the foundation of more mature society.

Chulu is not a ideology, its not a religion but its thought process that feeds the body and soul. This in no contrast to the religion or any ideology that exists as of today. The energy is driving force, what i mean is that i am talking about the rationale for life and the life cycle and various events associated within a given life cycle. (Let me give some time to complete this section too).

So i will proceed with the motivation, chulu in brief stands out for any action associated with a particular thought process in ChuluVerse. This negates the normal and well publicised funda of Karma (that whatever karma u do, u will get the result based on that karma). Bad karma will result in bad results, and good results will be the out come of good karma, some sort of one to one mapping. But on the other hand in ChuluVerse, the action can be associated with many consequences and vice versa.

So now i am building the background for chulu in ChuluVerse (or in any Universe, Mulitverse, Parallel Verse, i have already explained in the first section), so chulu are those abstraction in the ChuluVerse which are part of many to many mappings in the ChuluVerse. I will brief out something about ChuluVerse, its the same verse (consider universe we live in as of today) but it has other interfaces which are imagination, thought, randomness etc which interacts with the other interfaces only. As of now there is no such technology that exists as of today which is available to common people which help them learn about all these interfaces.

I will put an example, Mothers instinctively have some sixth sense of interacting with the interface associated with the chulu in her son/daughter. She can interpret the vibrations in the interface which is associated with her offsprings. God is some time a master piece, he/she knew that moms face the toughest task of supporting life so he/she offloaded part of this expertise to Mothers. I will cut the motivation here, i will deal it later, let me go to some of the development that are related to the Chulu.

I will take now one of the topics which will lay out some rationale behind the Chulu effort. I have requested some of my friends who all are well versed with the Chulu terminology to participate in this journal. (Wait for more addition). To make it more interesting i will put links of the various bands who are inspired by the Chulosophy and wrote most of their songs about ChuluVerse and Chulu. One such band is Tool (amazing band). Great combination of riffs, bass run and amazing vocalist.

Chuliean Algebra:

To begin with Chuliean Algebra will the be easy and most interstining one, because it wont talk about anything that is completely abstract, its pure Mathematics. If you look at the picture the blue boundary shows the different physical verses (Universe, Multi-Verse, Parallel Verse) and the one with the red boundary is ChuluVerse. The blue fill shows all that are not chulu or infact who dont know anything about Chulu (anyone can be chulu), red shows the part of ChuluVerse which is beyond the content of Real Verses (Universe, Multi-Verse, Parallel Verse), and the intersections shows the Chulu (atlast we are one step up in Chuliean Algebra).